Compatible with Nodelink, Lavalink and more in one client.

Designed to modularize lavalink/nodelink server management classes. Rainlink provides a solution that is compatible with any future version of lavalink/nodelink within the same codebase. You don't need to change too much or even your source code to still be able to run lavalink v3 as well as v4 in the same time.

  • Stable client
  • Support TypeScript
  • 100% Compatible with Lavalink
  • Object-oriented
  • Easy to setup
  • Inbuilt Queue System
  • Extendable Player, Queue, Rest class
  • Backward compatible (Can run lavalink version 3.0.0 to v3.7.x)
  • Driver based (avaliable to run Nodelink v2 and port older lavalink version)
  • Plugin system
$npm i rainlink
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